someday i‘ll tweak out this site so there aren’t SUBSCRIBE buttons everywhere, but yes, you can totally do that, and it’d be much appreciated (Someday i might split out some subscriber-only content, but for now it‘s free).
I sure am going to do my damndest to make $5 (a cup of fancy coffee) a month one hell of a bargain, content-wise.
You can also order my books/comics/prints in the STORE, which…come on, paper and all of that.
(In fact, anyone who subscribes for more than 4 months gets a 25% discount on my stuff in the store. How will that work? HONOR SYSTEM. You think i‘m keeping a spreadsheet? you clearly do not know me personally.)
Folks, if i was in the game to make money, i would have run for the hills 25 years ago. Or I’d be chasing algorithms and clicks and all that hellish noise. I am not. But self-sufficiency is nice, at whatever level you can find it. Always has been.
so if you value what you see here and want to help it along, you have my thanks.