7 or 8 years ago, I found this empty bank/ insurance (?) Journal thing at a thrift store, and bought it not only because it was cool-looking, but also with the the “maybe someday I’ll use this for something” principle in mind. My house is over-filled with shit purchased on that basis, but (and this is strange, for me) at some point I googled what year the days from 1945 would hook up with a present year, and found it was 2024. Even stranger (for me), when 2024 actually rolled around, I remembered that I had this thing, and decided to actually put it to use.

For the first few months, I was diligent in my 15-25 minute entries every night. It was nice to force myself to not worry about if it was “a good drawing”, or “meant anything”; just a quick record of time/ the day—that was, after all, the whole point. As the year wore on, my “routine” fell off; I’d find myself going back and filling in days (or weeks) that I’d missed in real time, sometimes just jotting down what I remembered of days with the intention of doing a little drawing later (sometimes that happened, sometimes…not). Now that it’s 2025, all those blank spaces…I wish I’d kept on it.
But still— it’s MOSTLY there (and I’m going to fill in all those gaps, even if it feels like “cheating”). So, I’ll be sharing some of those entries on here from time to time. here’s a couple:

A lot of Big Life stuff happened in 2024: my Dad passed away, my son left for college, some other personal stuff (that maybe I’ll share maybe not). But the smaller, quieter moments are cool, too.

Sure, why not. ENJOY.
Ps— hilariously, after all that wait time to link up dates, I didn’t take Leap Year(s) into account, so the day of the week is behind the actual date. Why does that drive me nuts? I don’t know, but it does.